Gig Reviews

Girlschool at Skogsröjet

Girlschool is still all about catchy classic British hard rock.

Girlschool at the Skogsröjet festival in Rejmyre, Sweden on 3rd August 2024

Girlschool is one of those classic hard rock bands, like AC/DC and Motörhead, that just soldier on until they drop (as Lemmy did mid-tour). They don’t reinvent the wheel. They don’t change what they are. (Well, to be fair, there was a brief moment in the mid-80s when Girlschool’s record label forced a glammy hair metal look made for MTV on the band, but that didn’t last long.) 46 years into their career, these ladies are still going strong.

Girlschool opened its one-hour set at the Skogsröjet festival with “Demolition Boys” from the band’s 1980 debut album “Demolition”. “C’mon Let’s Go” from the 1981 “Hit and Run” album followed. That, there and then, reminded the audience what Girlschool is all about. Denim and leather and catchy classic British hard rock. Fabulous no nonsense rock’n’roll.

Kim McAuliffe (guitar and vocals) and Denise Dufort (drums) co-founded the band in 1978. Terrific lead guitarist Jackie Chambers, aka “New Girl”, has been in the band for a quarter of a century. Brand new bassist Olivia Airey, who joined the band in July, has a classic Girlschool look and is a mean bass player. She’s a perfect fit for the band!

While the band’s setlist was heavily tilted to the old classics, we did get to hear “Guilty as Sin” from 2019 and “It Is What It Is” from last year’s “WTFortyfive?” album. That reminded us that the band cannot only still perform the old classics, but they can also still write great songs.

Throughout their career, the girls have been closely associated with their friends in Motörhead. As a tip of the hat to that history, they played “Bomber”. The two bands recorded that song together for the “St. Valentine’s Day Massacre” EP. The EP was released under the tongue-in-cheek moniker Headgirl in 1981.

On this fine Swedish summer day, Girlschool finished a short but great set with “Emergency”, another classic from the band’s debut album.