
Video | Dark Tranquillity’s Mikael Stanne: “Things have shifted a lot in the band”

When Swedish melodic death metal band Dark Tranquillity returned to Japan for some shows after a decade, Roppongi Rocks’ Stefan Nilsson met vocalist and founder Mikael Stanne backstage in Tokyo for a chat. Check out the video interview below.

In the interview, Mikael Stanne talks about being back in Japan, how Dark Tranquillity‘s sound has evolved, the impact of line-up changes, how he manages to be active with his other bands and projects and much more.

Dark Tranquillity was founded by Mikael Stanne and a bunch of friends in 1989 and helped shape what became the Gothenburg death metal scene. The band’s debut album “Skydancer” came out in 1993. “Endtime Signals”, its 13th studio album, was released in August 2024.

In addition to Dark Tranquillity, Mikael is currently a member of The Halo Effect, Grand Cadaver and Cemetery Skyline. His career has also included stints with HammerFall and In Flames.

The interview was filmed backstage at Club Quattro in Tokyo, Japan on 10th March 2025.

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